the meaning behind the art
an update on the progress of the program from Pea Flower Tomioka
2024 has been a flurry of preparation and advancement. I'm getting the pottery business online, creating new pieces inspired by the experiences in my life, and banging out certification like crazy. I'm five certifications into this year, and I'm not slowing down.
So far, I've completed three professional certifications and two continuing education certifications. It's been a wild ride, and I'm absorbing information like a sponge. I'm also mapping out my pathway to program launch, which I promise will be worth the wait. Nobody has waited longer than I have... except perhaps, my dear husband. Lords bless that patient, patient man. If he's not wiping clay out of my hair or picking up our kiddo from school because I'm slammed at the studio, he's patiently holding me while I cry over exams or cheering me on as I graduate from programs.
It's been a ride, my pals. A full on ride.
Here's a recap of what's been accomplished this year!
I've earned this year
Professional Certifications
Holistico: CMA certified, CPD certified, IPHM certified
Therapeutic Arts Practitioner
Positive Psychology Instructor
Transformative Personal Development CoachContinuing Education Certifications:
The Advanced Mental Health Institute
Reframing the Fear of Regret and Detransition
Consensual Non-Monogamy and Alternative Relationships
Mindful SexThe Embody Lab
Somatic Trauma Healing Immerson
The coming weeks are already packed with even more shenanigans. I've applied to the Mind-Body Coaching program from The Embody Lab, led by the people who invented the somatic practices embodying the movement itself. I'm BEYOND EXCITED. Many of the instructors were the same people leading the Somatic Trauma Healing Immersion, which was, to put it mildly, a life-changing event. If I'm chosen, I'll be studying under my heroes. I'll find out in mid-April if I'll be accepted into the spring program.
On top of the Mind-Body Coaching program, I'm also preparing to take my Somatic Sexuality coursework this fall, and I'm researching exactly where I want to get certified as a sexual educator. I've got a few ASSECT-approved options for that, so I'm weighing my options carefully, as the program costs are a significant factor for me. Regardless, I'll get there. I always find my way eventually. It's how I ended up here, right now. and for now, that's enough. For now, I hope we can all continue to heal, create art, embody joy, and love ourselves authentically.

About the author
Pea is an artist focused on building an art therapy platform through transformative art and positive erotica to help victims of sexual violence reclaim their power. She lives on a small island and hides from loud noises.