pea flower tea

is part of a greater mission committed to ensuring you’re comfortable.

We are a part of a greater vision to help adult survivors of sexual violence reclaim their power and thrive after abuse.

These Themes are Universal Across our Platforms.

Artist and founder Pea Flower Tomioka is building an inclusive art therapy program for adults recovering from sexual violence.  A systemic sexual violence survivor, Pea is committed to raising the voices and stories of other marginalized creators to help raise awareness and foster beauty from trauma.  Find out more about this process and the other cornerstones below.

Learn more about what you’ll find within our published issues below.

While there is no place for r*pe culture in anything we choose to publish, some pieces may still be triggering for people with traumatic pasts.  Content may include references to recovering from:

  • sexual violence
  • physical violence
  • incest
  • emotional abuse
  • domestic abuse
  • childhood abuse
  • traumatic responses and triggers
  • PTSD, including descriptions of flashbacks

Lavender Lime Literary will never allow content that glorifies or furthers abuse in any way.  While some of these themes may be triggering for others, we will never post content that:

  • Sexualizes for fetishizes r*pe culture in any way
  • Victim blames
  • Glorifies any form of abuse in any way, such as:
  • Art that glorifies emotionally manipulative relationships.
    • Art that misrepresents the proper and safe application of BDSM play.
    • Art that showcases any part of sexual exploration or discovery via the glorification of abuse.
    • Glorifies the sexualization of children
  • Glorifies the sexualization of any specific group of people (i.e. Asian Fetish, BBW fetish, etc.).
  • Violates promises made on this page

On Trigger Warnings

In the instances in which art or poetry contains references to themes with blatant triggers, such as direct references to abuse, we will always ensure content that may be triggering to our readers comes with a trigger warning.

On Positive Erotica

  • Further, our commitment to inclusive, positive erotica means that you’ll find themes such as:
  • Healthy relationships of all kinds, including a full spectrum of LGBTQ+ relationships, in addition to heteronormative erotica.
  • Polyamory, monogamy, and self-affirming love.
  • People loving every version of themselves, regardless of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, sexual preference, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or body type.  The human condition is most beautiful as it naturally exists inside of us, and we strive to hold this beauty as a mirror for you to love yoursef.



Graphite sketch of moonflower in dark green






Graphite sketch of petunias in dark green



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