It's no secret I'm obsessed. My own devotion to sexuality and normalizing the intensity of healthy sexual appetite stems from my own experiences with this man. He's my compass in this world, and of all the sketches I love to draw, he is by far my favorite model to sketch. I will never tire of looking into those big, brown eyes, or how they make me swim. I'll never stop drawing him, and I'll never stop singing his praises. He is the foundation of my fight for sexual joy. His arms give me freedom. His love builds my trust. His unassuming creativity in bed sparks my poetry.
So here's another sketch of him, from our wedding day. He's sitting on the beach near our island home, where we were married in a simple ceremony on the beach, under a full moon.

absolute 🌸 candor
Wanderings, musings, radical self-care, and words to spark passion.
About the author
Pea is an artist focused on building an art therapy platform through transformative art and positive erotica to help victims of sexual violence reclaim their power. She lives on a small island and hides from loud noises.